Secret Haven Kennel


Russkiy Azart Geila at Secret Haven (ITA) - Geila

Breeder/Éleveur:  Maria Lazareva

Born March 31, 2015 / Née 31 mars 2015. 

Sire: Yegorov Hotter Than July

Dam:  Russkiy Azart Kameya Arisona

Microchip # 380260100185614


Health Testing:

Degenerative Mylopathy (DM) clear by parentage and Tested. 

Pregressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) Clear - tested.

Geila-DM-Clear-GensolResult102189.pdf Geila-DM-Clear-GensolResult102189.pdf
Size : 147.849 Kb
Type : pdf
Geila-PRA-Clear-GensolResult102188.pdf Geila-PRA-Clear-GensolResult102188.pdf
Size : 147.859 Kb
Type : pdf


Geila wins best of breed and group 3rd on Sunday October 7, 2018 at the UKC show in Napanee, Ontario. Judge was Penny Jackson.

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