ISWS # 2014-481/06
UKC # A787,990
microchip ID: 985112004542710
Health Testing
Collie Eye Anomaly DNA result = Carrier
Eye Examination = Normal
Copies of test result below. Click to open thumbnail.

'PR'Hunter's Run Charger
Bred by: Richard Hunter & Chris Hunter
Owned by: Michèle Fink and Mary Childs
Born: December 24, 2014
Sire: CH 'PR' K-C Windsheer Grand Canyon
Dam: CCM CH 'PR' Windnsatin Pumpkin Spice Legnd
Our precious Tina whelped 6 beautiful puppies on February 3rd, 2018. She gave us 3 boys and 3 girls. Here is their story in pictures.
Tina in motion at the Ohio Classic 2017 - An International Silken Windhound Society Specialty.
She wins second place in the open female class under judge Dr. Francis Broadway.

Tina goes Best of Breed and group 2nd on July 15, 2017 at the Maple Leaf Kennel Club UKC show in Elginburg, Ontario under judge Joanne Hurst.

Ohio Classic 2016